Thursday, November 9, 2017

Time to start the blog back up!
      A new class has asked me to come back to blogger. So this week's topic information overload. Is this a real concern for everyone of just those that dont want to get on board with the move foward with tech train.

       Imo i think this is a concern and a great happening all at once. The amount of info that is out there the newest of new is all really exciting might not be practical at this very second but the possibility of how fast tech is moving is great to me.
     The ones that are in overload are people who dont want to know more or dont know how to even get the info that they have no idea they are missing out on. Infomation overload can be helped with just understanding how to search on the internet then breaking down all this infomation slowly over time but the problem will rise agian when there is a major change in how info is gathered.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Chapter 12 Search Sleuth

What large internet search company eliminated the work at home option for their employees in 2013? Yahoo

What is the correct MLA style to cite a Tweet? Last name, First name (Username). “Tweet Message.” Date posted, Time Posted. Tweet

Microsoft employees celebrate their employment anniversaries by sharing which chocolate candy with coworkers? m&m’s

What is the name of Google’s search algorithm that determine what links are most relevant for a given query? Hummingbird

What was the original name of the programming language, Java? Oak

What was the computer in the 1983 film wargames where a hacker uses a backdoor to access a military super code that nearly starts WWIII? IMISAI 8080 microcomputer

Who is the author of the study, An Experiment in the development of Critical Thinking, published in 1941? Edward M GLaser

What is the name of the first computer virus that infected DEC PDP-10 computers in 1971? What message did it display? Creeper “I’m a creeper, catch me if you can!”

What is the name of the annual hacking conference held in Las Vegas? DEF CON

The hexadecimal number system uses 16 symbols to code machine language programs. What is the name of the Papuan language spoken in New Guinea that uses the quindecimal number system? Huli

Friday, November 18, 2016

Chapter 11 Search Sleuth

Three popular data models discussed in this chapter are relational, object oriented, and multidimensional. Name one other type. Flat model

Which US governmental agency was first associated with the expression garbage in, garbage out(GIGO) in April 1963? US ARMY

What there three common SQL wildcard characters? * ? [ ]

When did Microsoft release the first version of Access?1992

Records and sets are the fundamental constructs of which data model? Hierarchical Database model

According to Amazon Web services, which data model does the company offer for its database in the cloud? Relational

Which company trademarked the phase, database mining, for marketing its workstation? HNC

Which organization markets the PeopleSoft human resource management system? Oracle

What are the 3V that describe aspects of Big Data? Volume velocity and variety

At which conference was the term, artifact intelligence (AI), coined? In which year did this conference occur? Dartmouth college in 1956
Chapter 10 Search Sleuth

What IEEE document number establishes standards for local networks(WLAN)?802.11

In what year was the standard first released?1997

One defining trait of coax cable is characteristic impedance? 20 and 150 ohms

Which computer company used a token ring network in the 1980s and eventually was sold to HP in 1989? Apollo computer Inc.

The term datagram, is associated with what type of network? A wireless communication and self-contained source

What are the three frequency bands used for wireless LAN? 902MHz, 900MHz, 928MHz

According to the Bluetooth standard, how many devices does that network protocol support? 7

Which company developed the first commercial modem for computers? At&t

In what year was it sold? 1962

What was the modem data rate? 150 bits per scond

What device did Dennis c Haynes invent in 1977?  PC modem

What type of wireless network does not rely on routers or access points? Ad hoc network (WANET)

What is the origin of the Bluetooth name?  Bluetooth was borrowed from the 10th century, second King of Denmark, King Harald Bluetooth; who was famous for uniting Scandinavia just as we intended to unite the PC and cellular industries with a short-range wireless link.
Chapter 9 Search Sleuth
Which bird is the logo for Linux? Penguin called Tux

Who are the two individuals who published the requirements for virtualization in 1974? Popek and Goldberg

What company supplies the CUDA drivers for their graphic processing units? Nvidia

According to Bitdefender what percent of people use the same password for their email and social network accounts? 75%

What are common names for a UNIX administrator account? Guest,demo,demos

On which day of the week does Microsoft typically provide automatic updates? What is the nickname for this day?  The second Tuesday of each month/ Patch Tuesday

Which company did Andy Rubin, Cris White, nick sears and Rich Miner cofound? Android Inc.

What is the name of the operating system for Radio shack’s TRS-80 introduced in 1980? What was the data storage mechanism for this computer? BASIC in ROM/ Cassette storage

In Windows/DOS system, the command line interface to list files is dir. What is the equivalent for Unix and Linux?  ls -l

In what year was the first Chromebook available for sale in the United states?2011
Chapter 8 Search Sleuth
Which technology innovator appeared on Dancing with The Stars in 2009? Steve Woziak
In which city is the Storage Network Industry Association’s Technology Center located? Colorado Springs
What company introduced using a hard disk for accounting projects in 1956? IBM
Which country requires every citizen to carry a smart card for health insurance purposes? Astralia
Which nonprofit organization facilitates USB standards and testing? USB
What is the max length a USB cable can be before signal and voltage decline? 2.0 USB cable can be up to 25m and a 3.0 USB cable 16 ft 5 inches before it losses speed
Which musician releases a special edition of the album, The Fame Monster on a USB flash drive? Lady GaGa
Which flash memory storage manufacturer has a factory in china that is the size of five football fields yet only employs 400 workers at that facility? ScanDisk
Which symbol is the logo for ExpressCard technology?Image result for Which symbol is the logo for ExpressCard technology?

Which company invented flash memory? Toshiba

Chapter 7 SS

Which automobile company developed a QR code measuring 1711 square feet? Audi

According to the Smart Card Alliance, what is the maximum distance at which a contactless smart card operates? 4 inches

Who are the current MIDI manufactures Association executive board members? And what companies do they represent? Athan Billias (Yamaha Corp of America)
Craig Anderton (Gibson Brands)
Phil Burk (Google)
Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut (ROLI)
Tom White (MMA)

How is the term disability defined in the Americans with disabilities act? as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. 

Which television network was first to broadcast a HD signal in 1997?  WRAL-HD Raleigh,NC

What product did HP develop in 2004 based on the efforts of engineer Daryl Anderson? LightScribe

Which country has imposed a max limit of 100 decibels produced on all poratable media players sold? EU
Which countries have adopted the energy star program? Australia.
·         Canada.
·         European Union.
·         European Free Trade Association.
·         Japan.
·         New Zealand.
·         Switzerland.
·         Taiwan.

What is the function of a bay filter in a digital camera? A Bayer filter mosaic is a color filter array (CFA) for arranging RGB color filters on a square grid of photosensors.

When Tom Cranston Fred Longstaff and Kenton Taylor invent the trackball in 1952 which object did they use as the ball?  a metal bowling ball rolling on two rubber-coated wheels was ever built